Soo Se Cho | Permaculture Advisor & RN
As the co-founder of Sustainable Kashi, Soo Se has been instrumental to setting the foundations for ChoZen Farm. Born and raised on this land, he has spent the last 12 years cultivating the land, planting hundreds of trees, and educating others. Soo Se’s particular passion is subtropical fruit trees, fostering wildlife habitat, and up/recycling materials and resources from the waste stream. Soo Se has been actively involved with cultivation of ChoZen Farm lands since 2015 and has been growing food and edible/native landscaping at Chozen since 2016.
As the co-founder of Sustainable Kashi, Soo Se has been instrumental to setting the foundations for ChoZen Farm. Born and raised on this land, he has spent the last 12 years cultivating the land, planting hundreds of trees, and educating others. Soo Se’s particular passion is subtropical fruit trees, fostering wildlife habitat, and up/recycling materials and resources from the waste stream. Soo Se has been actively involved with cultivation of ChoZen Farm lands since 2015 and has been growing food and edible/native landscaping at Chozen since 2016.