Popularized by Master Han-Kyu Cho, KNF is a set of agricultural methods originating in Asia that date back hundreds of years. KNF practices are used to cultivate healthy plants without harmful pesticides or chemical inputs by creating a closed system that’s balanced with natural inputs from local environments.
Popularized by Master Han-Kyu Cho, KNF is a set of agricultural methods originating in Asia that date back hundreds of years. KNF practices are used to cultivate healthy plants without harmful pesticides or chemical inputs by creating a closed system that’s balanced with natural inputs from local environments. This is accomplished through the creation of fermented fertilizers and techniques that introduce indigenous microorganisms (IMOs) from the wild into a garden’s soil structure, which promotes hardy, robust plants. Living soil, bio-fertilizers, and bio-stimulants are cultivated with the aim to saturate the ecosystems with microorganisms for regeneration.
Hyper-Local Food For All. Fleet Farming is empowering all generations to grow food to increase local food accessibility. Fleet Farming is a non-profit urban agriculture program of IDEAS For Us that transforms the average American lawn into bio-verse, productive microfarms and edible gardens.
Hyper-Local Food For All. Fleet Farming is empowering all generations to grow food to increase local food accessibility. Fleet Farming is a non-profit urban agriculture program of IDEAS for US that transforms the average American lawn into bio-verse, productive microfarms and edible gardens.
Permaculture is derived from the words "permanent" + "agriculture.” Some might refer to it as "permanent" + "culture." It emphasizes creating a strong culture that recognizes indigenous wisdom and methods of responsible land stewardship. The permaculture approach enables growing food in harmony with nature and utilizing available resources to design edible landscapes and gardens that support the local ecosystem.
Permaculture is derived from the words "permanent" + "agriculture.” Some might refer to it as "permanent" + "culture." It emphasizes creating a strong culture that recognizes indigenous wisdom and methods of responsible land stewardship. The permaculture approach enables growing food in harmony with nature and utilizing available resources to design edible landscapes and gardens that support the local ecosystem.