ChoZen Farm Metro 1 ChoZen Farm Metro 1

12.01.23 Composting: Creating Living Soil from our Waste Streams

Our food waste is a valuable resource.  Creating compost not only creates nutrient dense food but also restores our planet's health.  We will be "breaking down" all things compost, from understanding the inputs needed for healthy decomposition to solutions for composting at home, small or large scale.  Composting your food waste is one of the most powerful actions you can participate in towards human and ecosystem health.  

Our food waste is a valuable resource.  Creating compost not only creates nutrient dense food but also restores our planet's health.  We will be "breaking down" all things compost, from understanding the inputs needed for healthy decomposition to solutions for composting at home, small or large scale.  Composting your food waste is one of the most powerful actions you can participate in towards human and ecosystem health.  

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ChoZen Farm Metro 1 ChoZen Farm Metro 1

11.03.23 What is Regenerative Agriculture?

This November we will be digging into how important regeneration is for our soils and what “regenerative agriculture” really is. The current agricultural systems are stripping our soils of the biology and structure, destroying their life giving capacities. This has a detrimental effect on our planet's health and what makes it onto our plates. To understand soil is to observe the foundations of life, to take a glimpse inside the fundamentals of these symbiotic relationships that cycle our planet. Can restoring soil function be the key to all living systems health? Come discover all the secrets our soils hold.


This November we will be digging into how important regeneration is for our soils and what “regenerative agriculture” really is. The current agricultural systems are stripping our soils of the biology and structure, destroying their life giving capacities. This has a detrimental effect on our planet's health and what makes it onto our plates. To understand soil is to observe the foundations of life, to take a glimpse inside the fundamentals of these symbiotic relationships that cycle our planet. Can restoring soil function be the key to all living systems health? Come discover all the secrets our soils hold.

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